Visiting hours
- Mon. (Florence) 3-7 PM
- Wed. (Sesto F.) 9 AM-1 PM
- Thu. (Rome) 8 AM-12 PM
- Fri. (Sesto F.) 9 AM-1 PM
By appointment
- Mon-Fri 15 – 19
+39 3534158690
Infections and sexually transmitted dieases

In medicine, a venereal disease or sexually transmitted disease (also known by the acronym STD) is an infectious disease that is primarily transmitted through direct contagion during sexual activities, including oral and anal intercourse. Most STDs initially do not present symptoms, which results in a higher risk of transmitting them to other people. The symptoms and signs of the disease can include discharge from the vagina, the penis, ulcers on or around the genital organs, and pelvic pain.
To learn more, the Ministry of Health has its own webpage to obtain correct information; however, the advice is to immediately consult a doctor to evaluate the case.