Editorial publications
Professor Nicola Mondaini’s editorial activity is characterized not only by scientific publications, by being a reviewer for the most important uro-andrological journals, being part of editorial boards in the urological sector, but also by extracurricular editorial activities.
In 2009, he publishes “Vino e Eros” ( http://www.catalogo.giunti.it/scheda.php?idscheda=14923 ), which with over 10,000 books sold, invitations to present it in important contexts such as “Il Caffè della Versiliana”, at “Vinitaly” at the Tuscany Region stand; on Rai Uno’s “Porta a Porta”, on countless television and radio broadcasts, including foreign ones, becomes an exceptional tool to disseminate andrology and the figure of the andrologist.
In 2010, he creates the literary prize “Quarta di Copertina”, which takes place every year in December in Florence with the participation of important writers and personalities from the cultural world.
In 2011, he joins the Compagnia di Babbo Natale www.compagniadibabbonatale.it, which every year publishes a book (of poems, recipes, etc.) for charity.
In 2014, he is appointed by the Italian Society of Andrology as Editor in Chief (andrology) of the journal Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia.
In 2021, he publishes Wikipene www.wikipene.it, which immediately becomes a publishing phenomenon and is about to be published in English and Chinese.

Wikipene, an upcoming encyclopedia on the male sexual organ.
A book that seeks to clarify a topic that does not concern only the sexual sphere. “It is the barometer of health”

Assuming that sexuality is a fundamental aspect of human life, the SIA Italian Society of Andrology, within its commitment to the dissemination of andrological culture and in providing concrete answers to couple problems related to the sexual sphere, promotes the book “Vino e Eros”.

The back cover or lower flap is the last page of any respectable book. More explicitly, it is the fourth part of the book’s format, and it is in that limited space that the author summarizes in a few lines the content of his work and his biographical notes.