The kidneys are organs which filter and extract waste materials from the blood, they help to control blood pressure and influence the production of the red blood cells. The bladder – via the ureters - collects urine which is extracted by the kidneys. Prostate produces and discharge prostatic fluid, one of the components of the sperm, that contains the necessary elements to nourish and assist the movements of the spermatozoa. Testicles produce spermatozoa and some hormons.
The causes of the urogenital tumours are unknown, neoplasms usually occur in the lining of the organs by malignant changes in the cells resulting in uncontrolled proliferations.
Kidney tumours have their origin in DNA changes in their (renal) cells resulting in uncontrolled and relentless growth. Amongst the risk factors are age, male gender, smoke, hypertension.
The causes of bladder tumours are not completely clear but among predisposing factors we can find smoke, age, male gender, chronic inflammation of the lining of the bladder (urinary infections, cystitis). The tumour changes occur in the cells of the inner surface of the bladder.
Testicular tumours affect younger men. Other risk factors are family history and cryptorchidism, an anomalous testicular malformation.
To avoid smoking as smoking is a high risk factor.